Town Council, Committees & Boards

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The Town of White City conducts its business through a committee structure. There is one main committee of council: the Committee of the Whole. The purpose of the Committee of the Whole (the committee) is the to be the primary forum for policy debate and public input on items within the council’s area of responsibility. The committee provides an opportunity for all members of council to participate in discussion and debate that results in final recommendations to council. The committee is to consider the financial, risk and operational impact of policies, programs and actions, and to recommend to council the adjustments required to make the best use of the town’s resources.

Once the committee has considered information from town staff and advisory groups, a recommended course of action is prepared for council to consider. The recommendation is forwarded to all of council for an official decision at a regular or special council meeting.

Current Committees

Committee of the Whole
Multi-Use Recreation Centre Fundraising Committee
Recreation Advisory Committee
Transportation Advisory Committee
Youth Advisory Committee
Community and/or Regional Committees & Boards

Committee Of The Whole

The committee is established to review and make recommendations to council for all reports coming from municipal departments:

(1) Business Operations;
(2) Finance;
(3) Fire Services;
(4) Governance & Legislative Services;
(5) Parks, Recreation & Culture;
(6) Planning & Development;
(7) Public Works; and
(8) The Office of the Town Manager.

Membership of the committee is comprised of the mayor and all members of council.  The Town Manager and department heads shall attend all committee meetings on an ex-officio basis, except when the committee chooses otherwise. Other administrative members or members of the public may be invited to attend at the discretion of the committee to advise and provide information when required.

Committee of the Whole - Terms of Reference

The Committee of the Whole meets bi-weekly, to access meeting and agendas please click here. 


The Multi-Use Recreation Centre Fundraising Committee is a joint council- and community-based committee of the Town of White City that acts to advise Council and to implement Council-approved fundraising activities. The purpose of the committee is to advise Council on potential fundraising initiatives for the Multi-Use Recreation Centre and to plan, coordinate, implement and execute fundraising activities approved by Council.

The committee is established to:

  1. design, recommend, evaluate and update short- and long-term fundraising strategies for the Multi-Use Recreation Centre project;
  2. prepare and recommend for Council approval annual fundraising plans for the Multi-Use Recreation Centre project by September of each year to inform the Annual Budget;
  3. plan, coordinate, implement and execute fundraising initiatives for the Multi-Use Recreation Centre project;
  4. promote and/or assist in the administration and implementation of local group-level fundraising projects;
  5. obtain volunteers for fundraising initiatives and encourage volunteerism throughout the community;
  6. identify, research and co-author grants that may provide funding for the Multi-Use Recreation Centre;
  7. report to Council and Administration on the outcome of all fundraising initiatives; and
  8. the Fundraising Committee shall not concern itself with administrative or operational issues, except as presented in the context of Multi-Use Recreation Centre fundraising activities.

Membership of the committee is comprised of two members of council, one member representing Communiskate and up to eight community members.  The Manager of Parks, Recreation and Culture shall attend all committee meetings on an ex-officio basis. Other administrative members or members of the public may be invited to attend at the discretion of the committee to advise and provide information when required.

Click here to learn more about this committee.

The Multi-Use Recreation Centre Fundraising Committee is now accepting applicants - click here to apply.


The Recreation Advisory Committee is a community‐based committee that provides feedback and advice to Council, through Administration, on matters related to Parks, Recreation and Culture.  This committee meets quarterly, or more frequently as required my members.

The committee is established to:

  1. provide input in the development of plans and policies under the responsibility of the Town of White City Parks, Recreation and Culture Department;
  2. support and facilitate the involvement of community in leading, developing and delivering activities, programs and events that provide public engagement opportunities and build on the vitality of the parks, recreation and culture of the community through partnerships and assistance to: 
    1. the business community in general; 
    2. community groups; 
    3. arts and cultural groups; 
    4. non-profit organizations; 
    5. other municipalities; and 
    6. residents across all demographics. 
  3. raise the profile of parks, recreation and culture through positive support and promotion in the community; 
  4. encourage and support volunteerism and volunteer organizations within the Town; 
  5. identify concerns and present constructive solutions for the Town of White City’s programs, facilities, open spaces, trails and events; and 
  6. undertake other assignment as may be requested by Council or Administration, as it relates to parks, recreation and culture.

Membership of the committee is comprised of one council member and five community members.  The Manager of Parks, Recreation and Culture, or their designate, shall attend all committee meetings on an ex-officio basis. Other administrative members or members of the public may be invited to attend at the discretion of the committee to advise and provide information when required.

Recreation Advisory Committee - Terms of Reference

The Recreation Advisory Committee is now accepting applicants - click here to apply.


The Transportation Advisory Committee is a community‐based committee that advises and supports Council in the implementation of the Town's current and future transportation and traffic safety issues in the town and to support, improve and promote pedestrian and traffic safety.

The committee is established to:

  1. encourage community dialogue on traffic and safety issues affecting the Town by providing a public forum for community members to present traffic safety concerns;
  2. recommend traffic safety improvements and traffic safety programs, following community consultation, analysis, and discussions with public bodies, and other stakeholders;
  3. promoting the creation and adoption of formal, neighbourhood‐specific policies related to traffic and safety, including measures to calm traffic;
  4. advise and support the implementation of the White City Traffic Study Recommendations adopted by Council; 
  5. support in the review and monitoring of general or specific development proposals and proposed plans of subdivision for conformity with principles and policies related to transportation and traffic safety as referred from Council and/or Administration;
  6. cooperate and coordinate with the Prairie Valley School Division, the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure, the RM of Edenwold No. 158 and other public agencies; and
  7. undertake other assignment as may be requested by Council, as it transportation.

Membership of the committee is comprised of four community members.  The Manager of Community Planning and Development shall attend all committee meetings on an ex-officio basis. Other administrative members or members of the public may be invited to attend at the discretion of the committee to advise and provide information when required.

Transportation Advisory Committee - Terms of Reference


The purpose of the Youth Advisory Committee is to stimulate and promote youth interest in municipal matters and local politics.  The Youth Advisory Committee will serve to educate and empower youth to provide information and recommendations to Council related to opportunities or issues that impact or involve youth including the things that are considered to be assets, strengths and opportunities in the community.

The committee is established to:

  1. co-design and recommend a youth strategic plan for adoption by Council every four years;
  2. review and evaluate youth strategic plan process;
  3. assist administration in the planning, coordinating and execution of events, or components of events targeted to youth;
  4. review policy proposals in relation to matters that impact or involve youth and provide recommendations for Council’s consideration and review;
  5. encourage youth volunteerism throughout the community;
  6. consult with Administration and other youth serving agencies to support youth initiatives;
  7. drive change, and advocate on behalf of youth; and
  8. establish partnerships with individuals and youth serving organizations to ensure different perspectives are reflected in Youth Advisory Committee initiatives and procedures.

Membership of the committee is comprised of one member of council, up to three youth-at-large representatives age 12-18 years, one student representative age 12 to 18 from each of Ecole White City School, Emerald Ridge Elementary School and Greenall High School.

Youth Advisory Committee - Terms of Reference

Click here to learn more about this committee.

Community And Regional Boards Or Committees

The Town of White City participates in a number of boards or committees serving the community and region. Council members are appointed to represent White City on each of the boards and committees. Each representative reports to a council committee with a corresponding mandate, as illustrated below:

White City Local Library BoardFull-Time: Councillor Kris Moen
Alternate: Deputy Mayor Rebecca Otitoju
WCRM158 Wastewater Management AuthorityFull-Time: Mayor Brian Fergusson
Full-Time: Councillor Bill Krzysik
Full-Time: Councillor Hal Zorn
Alternate: Councillor Scott Moskal
White Butte Regional Emergency Measures Organization CommitteeFull-Time: Councillor Hal Zorn
Alternate: Councillor Scott Moskal
White Butte RCMP Regional Stakeholder CommitteeFull-Time: Councillor Hal Zorn
Alternate: Councillor Bill Krzysik
White City Museum BoardFull-Time: Deputy Mayor Rebecca Otitoju
Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Advisory GroupFull-Time: Mayor Brian Fergusson
Full-Time: Deputy Mayor Rebecca Otitoju
Full-Time: Councillor Scott Moskal
Multi-Use Recreation Centre Project BoardFull-Time: Councillor Andrew Boschman
Full-Time: Councillor Bill Krzysik
Full-Time: Councillor Kris Moen
Multi-Use Recreation Centre Fundraising CommitteeFull-Time:Full-Time: Councillor Andrew Boschman
Full-Time: Councillor Kris Moen
Youth Advisory CommitteeFull-Time: Councillor Andrew Boschman
Alternate: Councillor Scott Moskal

Please contact an appointed representative if you'd like more information about the work being undertaken by a community or regional board or committee.