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Councillor Blog May 2024

Welcome back fellow residents of White City (and those reading from the surrounding area) for the May 2024 edition of the White City Councillor Blog. This month’s blog will focus on Emergency Preparedness Week (May 5 to 11, 2024), what types of emergencies our community is vulnerable to and provide you with some tips on how you can prepare for an emergency.

From blizzards and severe storms to wildfires and floods, our landscape presents unique challenges that require proactive preparedness and swift response. Let's take a moment to explore some of the potential emergencies we may encounter:

  1. Severe Weather Events: We know Saskatchewan weather conditions can quickly become extreme, including blizzards, thunderstorms, and high winds or tornadoes. These events can cause widespread damage, power outages, and transportation disruptions that would warrant an emergency response.
  2. Floods: Heavy rainfall or rapid snowfall can lead to localized flooding, affecting homes, roads, and infrastructure.
  3. Pandemics and Epidemics: If there's one thing the COVID-19 pandemic taught us, it's that being prepared is an essential part of managing an emergency. Epidemics and pandemics call for isolation orders that may require individuals to self-sustain themselves for days at a time.
  4.  Human-made Disasters: While less common, incidents such as chemical spills, bomb threats, transportation accidents, or industrial can pose significant risks to public safety and the environment.

As we prepare for Emergency Preparedness Week, it's essential to recognize the potential hazards we face and take proactive measures to mitigate risks and ensure our community's safety. This includes having a comprehensive emergency plan in place, assembling emergency kits, and staying informed about local emergency protocols and resources.

Utilizing Technology in Emergencies

In today's digital age, technology plays a crucial role in keeping us connected. During emergencies, these tools become even more vital in helping us communicate and stay informed. Here are some tips to maximize the use of technology during such times:

  • Opt for non-voice channels like text messaging, email, or social media as they consume less bandwidth and may remain functional when voice communications fail.
  • Sign up for our Voyent Alert! System to receive emergency alerts via text message or phone call.
  • If using a phone, keep conversations brief and convey only essential information to conserve battery and reduce network congestion.
  • Keep a charger for your mobile device in your emergency kit and consider alternative power sources like solar-powered or crank chargers.
  • Maintain updated contacts on your phone and other channels for easy communication with important contacts.
  • Conserve your smartphone's battery by adjusting settings and closing unnecessary apps.

Preparing Your 72-Hour Kit

In an emergency, being self-sufficient for at least 72 hours is crucial. Here's what you'll need:

  • Basic supplies such as food, water, and a battery-operated flashlight should be organized and easily accessible.
  • Store your emergency kit in a portable container like a backpack or suitcase with wheels for easy transport.
  • Consider personalizing grab-and-go kits for each household member to ensure everyone's needs are met.
  • Keep your emergency kit in a readily accessible location, such as your front-hall closet.

To further support our community's preparedness efforts, we'll be giving away a 72-hour emergency kit on our social media platforms! Stay tuned on our Instagram and Facebook pages for details on how to participate.

Community Preparedness

While the Town of White City's Emergency Measures Organization (EMO) Committee is continuously training and preparing for disasters, we need our residents to be equally prepared. By taking proactive steps to assemble emergency kits and staying informed about technology usage during emergencies, we can ensure our community's resilience in the face of adversity. 

For more information on emergency preparedness, visit the Government of Canada’s Emergency Preparedness website: 

Let's work together to prioritize safety and preparedness in our town. Remember, being ready today can make all the difference tomorrow.

Stay safe, stay prepared, and stay connected.

Remember, to report an emergency, call 9-1-1 for help. Our first responders in the community work around the clock to assist residents and save lives. For non-emergencies, contact the White Butte RCMP by calling 306-781-5050, or the Town Office at 306-781-2355.

If you have any questions, have a comment, want more information, or want to suggest a topic for a future blog please email or call 306-781-2355 – we look forward to hearing from you!

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