2022-2025 Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan serves as the roadmap and is used to prioritize initiatives, resources, goals, operations and projects.  Strategic Planning helps local government realize a long-term vision by looking at what’s going on today, where we want to be tomorrow and what steps we need to take to get there.  The 2022-2025 Strategic Plan was adopted by Council on February 7, 2022 and provides the key direction for White City to ensure that the organization is aware of what the community is facing today and looking forward to the opportunities of the future.

During the Strategic Planning process, six important focus areas were identified by Council and Administration:

Diverse, Inclusive & Engaged Community

Council is committed to engaging our communities with a spirit of inclusivity and recognition that diverse feedback from residents is integral for creating great policy, programs and building new infrastructure.  Moving forward, to increase opportunities for youth participation in government, expanding cultural programming, supporting community groups and encouraging volunteerism will support and foster the community within White City.

White City will provide enhanced focus on improving internal and external communication by leveraging new technologies and creative public engagement to support transparent and inclusive decision making.

Active & Healthy Community

Providing the support of active and healthy lifestyles for residents is a Council priority.  Increasing recreation program opportunities for all ages and abilities supports the physical and mental well-being of our community. 

The development of a Recreation Master Plan will address and identify the recreational opportunities required to meet the needs of a growing community.  The Master Plan will outline and support the development of municipal facilities and programming to grow physical and mental health resources directly located within White City.

Innovative Development

As White City grows, Council is committed to engaging our community to develop intelligent and innovative long-term planning that enhances the local character of White City.  By promoting sustainable development that will help grow our local community and local economy, Council strives to meet the vision of the municipality and retain the small-town feel while supporting the development of the Town Centre, developments that encourage aging-in-place, and environmentally friendly developments.

Completing the process to incorporate White City, Emerald Park, Park Meadows Estates, Meadow Ridge Estates, Escott/Deneve and the Great Plains Industrial Park with sufficient undeveloped land for the next 25-years into one urban community will allow the community to explore innovative and unique solutions to urban development with a long-term planning horizon that represents the community’s interest as a whole.

Safe & Caring Community

Council is committed to providing a safe and caring atmosphere for residents, businesses and visitors.  This area focuses on the enhancement of the White City Fire Department and Emergency Measures Organization in coordination with the development of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design principles, planning for a municipal policing model, and supporting the development of community safety groups.  Through these initiatives a feeling of security for the wellbeing of the community will be fostered throughout all levels of the organization.

Regional Collaboration

As a strong and unified urban centre, White City will continue working together with municipalities in the region toward sustainable regional growth and a strong regional focus to ensure collaborative regional planning, efficient infrastructure and shared services. 

Governance and Operational Excellence

The Town will make strategic internal investments to enhance customer service, service delivery, and resourcing to address the growing expectations brought about by recent population growth. Through a learning approach, Council is committed to a culture based on individual and team growth to increase governance and operational capacity to provide high-quality service and expertise to residents.